Make Money Now: Advertising Bussiness
Showing posts with label Advertising Bussiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advertising Bussiness. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Here Is The 5 Step Guide For How To Earn Asimi ?

we are always looking for better ways we can help our community grow and prosper, I recently had a question from a member.

Here is the question:

The member was looking for a clear guide for how to Earn Asimi

without using the Credit Card option at the Waves Exchange. 

It got me thinking.... Perhaps you have the same question...?

Here Is The 5 Steps Guide For How To Earn Asimi

(that I sent in response)

I hope it helps you too!

Here are the 5 steps to complete:

1. Pin Asimi. Then you will be able to see it in :)

Here is the video for that

2. Acquire BTC via another exchange. 

Look for an exchange in your local area.


Being based in the US, is the most popular. 

Australia/UK works well

Global: is a great option.

You can get BTC via bank transfer or Credit card with them.

(be aware it takes a week or so to get verified, but after that would work smoothly. )

3. Send your BTC to the waves exchange

(this example video is for Coinjar however the process will be very similar with other exchanges)

Follow this video:

4. Exchange your BTC for Asimi

Follow this video:

5. Deposit your new Asimi into your HAS account

Follow this video:

From there you can stake or purchase as you choose.

Setting all of this up now is a great idea:

1. Get Asimi now, 

and also, 

2.  Have everything set up to do the opposite process when the time comes 

and you wish to turn your Asimi earnings back into BTC, and back into Dollars, Euros, ect to send to your bank.

I hope that helps!

New Success Marketing Course is LIVE! (Watch now) !

I have been working hard to create the new internet marketing course 

to help you succeed now and into the future based on everything I learned,

plus what I have observed watching other internet newbies reach success and 6-7 figure earners who have success.

Learn the exact principles that took me from 

being in debt and working 10 hours a day... to living a life of choice.

What to focus on that creates lasting income online no matter what stage you are at today...

plus exact tips you can start implementing in your business NOW.

The first 9 videos of this series are live now!

Log in and learn here

Exclusively for paid FunnelBundle Customers

I love sharing information for how people can achieve more,

reach their online goals sooner and become more profitable than ever!

Start implementing what you learn today, reach success in your business.

What I LOVE about this training course is as a FunnelBundle member...

You already have a killer funnel system to build high converting funnels,

You already have an included traffic source to start building leads and customers which means...

with this training, You have everything you need to build a high performing business for yourself. 

Yes, that is a chance to build a recurring income for as long as you want.


Watch The Video Series Now

Friday 1 May 2020

Tips to Build a Business in Your Spare Time ?

How do you start a home based business when you have a day job? When you have a family to look after, commitments relentlessly pulling us in every direction it can seem impossible to ever get a good run at building our business!
If you’re trying to make money online, but can never find the time to get it off the ground and profitable...

Mohammed, today I am going to give you some tips for getting productive.
How can you arrange your day to make the most of the time you do have to apply towards your online business.

That may seem obvious, however, your ability to focus on what’s important is key.

It’s very easy to get distracted online. It seems like everything is clickable. Obstacles everywhere, removing you from your goal and directing to the goals of others. 
Consider that for the most part, every Email, every Advertisement, every Facebook message are all fulfilling the goals of the sender/publisher. A constant distraction intended to have you focus on their objectives and not your own, An email sent to you that needs your urgent attention is for the most part working on the goals of the sender and not yours. 

These distractions can be endless.

When planning your time, no matter how short, don’t allow any yourself to drift, fulfilling everyone’s else’s desires other than your own. This is YOUR business, take time to FOCUS on your goals. 
Set aside a predetermined period of time each day to work ONLY on what's important to you. Don't open other tabs, don't allow yourself to get sucked into other peoples days. 

The best time to do this is first thing in the morning. Before the distractions start, try and own your morning, Own your first hour. I find this hour is the time when we are most closely aligned to our goals, waking up with a fresh mind, ready to focus on what is important to us with a clear head and no distractions.

Completing tasks every day.

Successful people make their daily tasks habit, a ritual performed daily.
Often it’s the same task performed everyday, that will bring success.
Taking extended breaks can be detrimental and often where we run into trouble. 

In my experience, if i take even a couple of day beak... I have found my productivity to go like this

Day 1: First day back to work, I catch up... Find where I left off and catch up on a few things. This equals Zero progression.

Day 2: I start to work... make plans of what is next, get my mind back into the game. Making money online is often about developing campaigns content and creation, a certain level of creativity is required that cannot be forced. 
Day 2 generally gets me back in the mainframe required to get creative, build a new funnel, webpage, email ect.

Day 3: Finally, things start to take shape, back in the game, being productive completing tasks with clear diruection working towards my goals, therefore, 
If I never work 3 days in a row… I never progress. I only maintain.

I am not suggesting you must do 8 hours of work a day... Simply that you must have some consistency no matter how small. Without it, your business will stagnate... It will continue, but never grow.

While starting, you can’t afford to remain stagnant.
Progression is necessary. No matter how small, set side time every single day to work on your business. Make it a ritual

Be specific
Start specific tasks and finish them. One thing at a time.
Again, It’s very easy to get distracted and pull yourself away from the task at hand, jumping to another that’s seemingly more important.
Don’t do that… complete one task at a time, get it working and move to the next. 
Complete only income producing activities

Ask yourself frequently, is what I am doing right now an income producing activity? Is this working towards my goals? If I continue doing this, will it find me success?

This is one I personally must remind myself of on a constant basis.(several times daily) It’s easy to find yourself clicking through the tabs in your browser without even absorbing what you are looking at... Subconsciously looking for short breaks from the task at hand, checking your phone… getting another snack… we must resist these urges. So much time is wasted sitting in front of the computer NOT working. Therefore, it's surprising how much time can be gained providing we keep on top of our behavior 

What is an income producing activity…? 
Tasks that will help you realize your end goal.
Checking FB business groups to see what others are writing... isn’t
Checking your account balance in your affiliate commission area every hour... isn’t
Checking your email/skype every 3 minutes to see if someone has contacted you... isn’t
Some tasks like this are required occasionally.

The key is to make specific times for this. Make a rule:

"At 10am I spend a maximum of 30 minutes checking my messages and FB groups nd no more during that day") for instance.

The question we must ask ourselves: For every 2 hours spent in front of the computer, are we getting maximum effect? This comes back to focus… Make sure that your focus is "pinpoint", Only applying energy to those activities you must accomplish to succeed. Those activities are Income Producing Activities.

Content creation such as building a new landing page, writing an email, Testing, Tracking, Strategy development, Education and Self-development posting on social media (not checking but posting) are all income producing activities. Stick to theses and you will be fine.

Apply focus to specific tasks that are income producing everyday like clockwork.
This is how you will find consistency and success in your online business, regardless of how much time you have daily to dedicate, consistency will always trump larger sporadic bursts of work.

This takes discipline. The best part is, we as individuals are in complete control of our actions.
Choose the correct actions on a daily basis and you will undoubtedly find success. 


We love getting motivated, pushing toward our online business goals and sharing that news with others. Online business has changed our lives forever and found more freedom and choice than would have ever been available working at a job. So, while we might mention some results and just how amazing your income and life could become... that's in no way a guarantee of what you may achieve. In fact we can't make any guarantee of any results whatsoever because we don't know your level of commitment to your goals or your work ethic to get things done. That comes down to you and may impact your overall results.  What we offer are the tools, training and traffic to build a successful business online, but it's up to you to be committed, have the discipline to show up, and make the most of what we are offering you.

Saturday 7 March 2020

Get Leads Build Your Bussines From Funnel Bundle ?

We have opened the doors and you can 

get access to an incredible system for building 

leads, sales and a real business online that you can rely upon!

Let's get you started! 

Watch the short Pre-launch video and take

a look over all the amazing benefits on the new home page!

A clear interface, stunning state-of-the-art features with endless possibilities to combine, highest quality design elements to make your creations definitely outstanding, unique and really attractive for visitors, awesome workflow,

easy share functionality for giving your best converting funnels to your business partners, etc.

I'm very impressed, these templates are premium quality.

I've already been playing around with how to use and promote funnelbundle to help people find referrals for my team,

I'm planning on moving all my pages and website from another provider to FunnelBundle.

Thanks to this system, it'll be so much quicker, simpler and streamlined than before!

Signup Here

in this video we'll go through the process of purchasing your funnel bundle account so you can get set up today and start using it this amazing service so first off you can see that I am on the products page this is where we explain the differences between the plans that you can select so of course choose the plan that is right for you the one that I really like is the business plan.

the business plan has a huge amount of value included plus you get a huge 33 percent traffic credit so that's 33 percent of the cost of your plan you get back in traffic which basically gives you a 33 percent discount if you look at that traffic credit as an advertising spend and so there's a lot of value in the business plan and of course you can select between yearly so paying each year and paying monthly and so if this business is a sort of thing that you want to set up for the entire year then it makes a lot of sense to select the business plan yearly because what that does is it sets your business up no more costs you get in you have funnel bundles set up you've got the training the traffic and the entire platform to build your business for an entire year.

I mean that is really a way to kickstart business and so that is the plan that I'll be selecting right now for this demonstration and we'll go through the process together, so we're powering this by stripe meaning that this is one of the leading credit card providers in the world so you can feel very secure using our system now, the first thing we need is your customer information, if you're a new customer simply enter your name and the email if you already have an account, you can click login and then select that account and that will recognize your information, so this purpose I'm going to be registering so I'll put in my name and my email address and create a password then your billing address you can put in your company information.

 if you are a company and then your credit card number now what I would like to show you just put in my CSV and now included in your funnel bundle account this membership also in cludes all of these huge bonuses so make sure you add these bonuses to your account, okay so click these buttons and that will add all of these bonuses to your account that's included in your package, there's no additional cost there so make sure you add them because that is your learning center for how to build amazing funnels and websites it's your visitors package, which is that traffic that included traffic to your website and it's also for this package, it also includes the top earner affiliate program, which basically explains how you can become a top earner if you are interested in network marketing or affiliate marketing based offers so lots of value there so make sure you add that and then you can see I'm getting that incredible price for per annum, so what I'll be locking in is a 20% saving and six hundred and sixty dollars for the year and then I have this business set up for an entire year.

so really really excited to complete this order and success, we are in funnel bundle excellence so the very first thing you can do as soon as you have registered is you can access your members area will also send you an email with information that includes your products how you can access them and you know your getting started guide so all of the additional support that we provide our customers and so now I'm going to go straight to the members area and you can see that I am in the members area right away ready to get started so the members area is where you can navigate to a lot of the tools, that we have included for you so you can see the website builder, I can start building the funnel tutorials the marketing training.

the traffic the network marketing training and some more features that we may be adding it's only pre-launch there's nothing here at the moment.

however if we come up with some really good ideas, we want to share them with you then you'll see them here in your members resources area as well and you can also visit your profile and again a couple of quick links right here, so as soon as you're inside setup make sure you watch the Welcome video you can start building your business right away really excited so great job taking that step excited to see you in these videos and help you build your business and really reach your maximum potential online because that is what we are striving to do here at funnel.

it's really helped push people into that that realm of online business that allows them to work from home and really succeed in the online marketplace today we using all of the tools that we've built for you okay great thanks guys see you in the training videos.


We love getting motivated, pushing toward our online business goals and sharing that news with others. Online business has changed our lives forever and found more freedom and choice than would have ever been available working at a job. So, while we might mention some results and just how amazing your income and life could become... that's in no way a guarantee of what you may achieve. In fact we can't make any guarantee of any results whatsoever because we don't know your level of commitment to your goals or your work ethic to get things done. That comes down to you and may impact your overall results.  What we offer are the tools, training and traffic to build a successful business online, but it's up to you to be committed, have the discipline to show up, and make the most of what we are offering you.

Sunday 29 December 2019

How To Get Traffic With Only 50cents In Hashing Ad Space ?

Get Leads To Your Business , Website Or Affiliate Products From Hashing Ad Space.

You Can Promote or Advertise with only Less Than $1 or 10 Asimi On Hashing Ad Space,Also You Can Buy Advertisng Products Like Login AdsAdminter Ads,Banner Ads.

You Can Buy Advertising Products with BTC and Other Cryptocurrency or Asimi.
Here You Can Earn Mutiple Ways With Hashing Ad Space Affiliate Program

-Login Stake,
-Adminter Stake
-Daily Draws

What Is Asimi ?

ASIMI (ASIMI) is a cryptocurrency token issued on the Waves platform. It has a circulating supply of coins and a max supply of 67 Million coins. Explore the address and transactions of ASIMI on block explorers such as

Additional information about ASIMI coin can be found at

☑️ BUY LOGIN STAKE with 10000 Asimi,

If You Setup Login Stake You Can Generate Asimi, Earn more Asimi by simply logging in to Hashing Ad Space!

Stake any full Asimi amount (up to 10,000 Asimi = 1 complete Login Stake).

Log in to your dashboard to qualify and earn new Asimi at the end of that day.
872 Asimi are distributed daily among all qualified Login Stake holders (qualified by viewing the Login Ad on that day)

Your daily Login Stake earnings are calculated based on the percentage of "My current Login Stake", compared to the qualified "Total Login Stake (companywide)" (see in the table above).
Unstake your Asimi any time (requested Asimi will be returned after 30 days).
Pending unstake amounts still continue to earn until they are processed.


If You Setup Ad Minter Stake You Have To Watch Daily 7Sec AdMinter Ad You Earn Asimi From It,If You'r Not Watching Ads You Can't Get Asimi.

The action of watching ads on Hashing Ad Space creates new Asimi tokens.
This is called "minting" Asimi.
New Asimi tokens are minted every 24 hours and then distributed equally amongst all the ads minted in that 24-hour period.
When you watch the ads, you are minting new Asimi. These new Asimi tokens are yours to keep.

The number of ads you can view in each 24-hour period is called your ad "minting limit".
The higher your minting limit, the more ads you can view and therefore the more Asimi you earn.

We follow the Proof of Stake protocol for our ad minting limit.
Your Proof of Stake is an allocation of your tokens held for a set contract period that allows you to mint.

Staking is not a purchase.
Your Staked Asimi Tokens always remain yours.
All staked tokens are returned to you (Return of Stake) over the contract period as you mint ads.
As well as your Return of Stake, you receive any new Asimi tokens that you mint via ad views daily.

Watch Complete Video Here

(2019.03.11 Invested +$100) 
The More We STAKE - The More We MAKE...!!!

View to Earn
How it works:

Watch ads, get paid!
Select from the available advertisements below and earn the displayed Asimi value next to that Ad.

Select the ad you would like to view by clicking "View Ad"

Receive Asimi immediately into your account balance
It's that easy and you can watch up to 25 ads per day!

Daily Raffle Prizes!

We give away bonus Asimi prizes each and every day!
Keep watching ads and take part in the bonus Asimi raffle!


The raffle will have 10 winners every day.
If you have viewed 10 ads within 24 hours, you will get 1 entry into the draw for our daily bonus Asimi raffle!

If you have viewed 25 ads within 24 hours, you will get 1 more entry into the draw.
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners of the raffle earn 100-50-25 Asimi, respectively, while the other winners earn 10 Asimi each.
All prizes are deposited into the winners' account balances at the end of day.
You can view your first ad immediately below.

Have fun, earn Asimi!

In Hashing Ad Space Free Members Can Earn Asimi in View2Earn Page, More You Refer Others More You Earn Asimi.


Register link:✅👉

This is legit advertising platform. #1 Investing platform.

Don't waste time with scams. Withdraw (exchange) ASIMI: with

100% Legit #Noscam 100$ worth of asimi stake, you can withdraw asimi to waves wallet, you can buy asimi here minimum $10 withdrawl,

You Can Earn More By Login Stake (Cost 10000 Asimi)

3ways you can get commision from your refferals 

  1. Advertising 

Buy One Ad Pack with Only 10 Asimi (View2Earn Advertisng Pack)

  • 100% Low Cost Advertising Traffic Exchange Get Leads To Your Website

  • 100% Unique Traffic From Various Geo Locations

  1. Staking (adminter stake and login stake)

  • Adminter Stake (100$ worth of Asimi)

  • Login Stake (upto 10000 Asimi Stake)

  • More You More You Rewarded

  1. V2E veiw to earn

  • You Earn Asimi By Viewing Ads Daily (25 Ads)

  • You Get 2 Raffel Entries For Viewing Complete 25Ads

Watch Video Here:

Register Here:


We love getting motivated, pushing toward our online business goals and sharing that news with others. Online business has changed our lives forever and found more freedom and choice than would have ever been available working at a job. So, while we might mention some results and just how amazing your income and life could become... that's in no way a guarantee of what you may achieve. In fact we can't make any guarantee of any results whatsoever because we don't know your level of commitment to your goals or your work ethic to get things done. That comes down to you and may impact your overall results.  What we offer are the tools, training and traffic to build a successful business online, but it's up to you to be committed, have the discipline to show up, and make the most of what we are offering you.